Thayer Central Class Supply Lists

Rising Stars Pre-School

2 tubs of Clorox Wipes

Ziplock Bags – any size

Crayola Watercolor paints

Glue Sticks (Purple color preferred)

A pair of clean tennis shoes for the gym

  (Velcro or no tie shoes, please.)

A large regular sized backpack (No small backpacks or backpacks with wheels)

2 in. - 3 Ring Binder (works best with the clear pocket on the front)

1 Box of Tissues



Crayons (No bigger than 16 count)

Scissors (“Fiskars” brand recommended)

Book Bag (large enough for a folder and       large library book)

Tub of Chlorox Wipes

1 Box of Tissues

P.E. Shoes (Practice tying at home)

Water Bottle

Play Dough (3 containers, any color)

Milk Money

Headphones for IPad


1st Grade

Paint Shirt

3 large boxes of Kleenex

*1 Big Eraser

*10 regular yellow soft lead pencils

*5 Glue Sticks


Box of 24 Crayons

Pencil Bag

1 Tub of Chlorox Wipes

Book Bag

Box of 12 Markers

P.E. Shoes

(Please do not label starred supplies as they will be shared.)


2nd Grade

3 Ring Zipper Pouch

Clorox Wipes

1 Box of Tissues

6 Glue Sticks

Scissors (Fiskars Brand recommended)

2 Boxes of 24 Count Crayola Crayons

1 Box of 8 Count Crayola Thin Markers

1 Box of 10 Count Crayola Thick Markers

1 Box of 12 Count Crayola Colored  Pencils

2 Pink Erasers

4 – 4 ounce Tubs of Play-doh (any color)


(2nd Grade Cont.)

Water Bottle

P.E. Shoes

Lunch & Milk Money

1 Composition Notebook

1 College Ruled Notebook

1 Folder

Metric Ruler

Headphones or Earbuds


3rd Grade

#2 Lead Pencils (Dixon Ticonderoga)

Colored Pencils

Scissors (Big Kid Kind)

Glue Sticks, Erasers, Highlighters

2 Boxes of Kleenex

2 – 70 page spiral notebooks (please do not buy college-ruled)

1 – Composition Notebook

2 - Clorox Wipes

Crayons (24 count), Pencil Pouch

White Board Markers

3 Folders with Pockets

P.E. Shoes

Yellow Post It Notes

1 pair of ear buds

Water Bottle

Grading Pen (red)


4th Grade

7” or 8” Scissors

Box of 24 Count Crayons

Colored Pencils

Handheld Sharpener

2 COLLEGE Ruled Notebooks (reading & science)

6 Glue Sticks

1 durable Pencil Bag to travel from room to room (This item is a must.)

1 Art Box to stay in classroom (plastic cigar sized box) Pencils (only bring 10 at a time)

P.E. Shoes (can be old shoes washed/destoned)

3-4 Highlighters of different colors

2-3 Whiteboard Markers – any color

3-Two pocket folders in blue, green & yellow to code them for subjects.)

Girls - 2 Boxes of Kleenex

Boys - Clorox Wipes

Trapper Keeper – Highly suggest a strong durable one

Earbuds (no wireless ones) – Must Have


(4th Grade Cont.)

Deodorant is highly suggested as at this age they kind of need it – especially with PE being outside a lot this year.

(Sometimes needs arise through the year and we will send a note home.)


5th Grade

Trapper Keeper Style Binder

Zipper Pencil Pouch (with 3 rings for the binder)

One pack of loose-leaf paper (College Ruled preferred)

One College Ruled Notebook

Pens (Red, Blue & Black)

Pencils, Highlighter

Scissors, Glue Sticks

Markers (fine tip – 10 pack)

Dry Erase Markers (6-8)


P.E. Shoes

Box of Tissues


6th Grade

Trapper Keeper Style Binder

Zipper Pencil Pouch


Ink Pens

Pencils, Eraser, Scissors, Highlighters

2 Sets of Dry Erase Markers

P.E. Shoes

2 Boxes of Tissues

Ear Buds for Computer (with mic if possible)

Stylus for Computer (Optional)





Students should bring notebooks, folders, pens, pencils, markers.



Students should bring notebook, folders, pens, pencils, markers.


Mrs. Bulin

All Classes – Paper, Pencils, Pens, Folder

  • Algebra – Scientific Calculator or we do use graphing calculators frequently – recommend TI 84 if getting one.  (It will last all through high school.)
  • Pre-Algebra/Geometry – Scientific Calculator
  • College Algebra/Trigonometry & Technical Math 

Graphing Calculator (prefer TI-84)



Mrs. Lukert

  • 7th Grade Transition Math
  • Algebra II/PDM/ Calculus/Applied Stats

Scientific Calculator – (TI83 or TI84 recommended if taking higher math in high school)

Expo Marker – Any color

Book Cover

Graphing Calculator – TI-83 or TI-84 recommended

Expo Marker – Any Color

Book Cover